Ultra Rare! Cronkite Goodbye To Huntley, & Huntley – Brinkley Finale
On May 20, 2014
- TV History, Viewseum
Ultra Rare! Cronkite Goodbye To Huntley, & Huntley – Brinkley Finale
That I know of, this old demo tape from long time Miami news man Bob Mayer is the best, and one of the only captures of Walter Cronkite’s farewell to Chet Huntley, which even includes an unheard of insert from Huntley. AND, immediately following the CBS News credit roll, is the final few minutes of ‘The Huntley – Brinkley Report’. All in good quality color.
This all happened July 31, 1970, fourteen years after their start on NBC on October 29, 1956.
You wouldn’t see that on TV today.
I must have been in master control during the WUFT broadcast with Bob Mayer! I recognize the voice of John Humphries doing the show open. Later worked with Norm Cook and Frank Slingland on Nightly.
CBS credit roll is 100% men, NBC’s 95%.
Interesting issues covered in the newscast as well…
liked it when ‘Uncle’ Walt had to lean back in his chair to get out of the closing credit shot
clack! clack! clack! clack! clack! clack! clack! clack! clack! clack! clack!
Old school for sure!
I love it – somebody walked in front of the NBC credit roll.