Ultra Rare! The 1st Christmas Song Ever Recorded…Jingle Bells, 1898
Ultra Rare! The 1st Christmas Song Ever Recorded…Jingle Bells, 1898
We’ll get to how J. S. Peirpont came to write the song in Savannah, Georgia in a moment, but first a note on the recording. As noted in the video, a banjo player named Will Lyle made an instrumental version in 1889, but this 1898 Edison Cylinder recording by The Edison Male Quartet is believed to be the first Christmas song ever recorded.
The words and music to the famous Christmas carol “Jingle Bells” were written in 1857 by organist and choir director James Pierpont for a Thanksgiving church service in Savannah, GA. It was so well received that the children were asked to repeat the performance at the Christmas service that year, and it has remained a Christmas standard ever since. The sheet music was first published in 1857 by Oliver Ditson with its original title “The One Horse Open Sleigh”. It was reissued two years later with only one title change chosen by the public…“Jingle Bells.”
James Pierpont was born in 1822 in Massachusetts the son of an ardent abolitionist. In the 1850’s he moved to Savannah, Georgia, joining his brother John who ministered to Savannah’s Unitarian congregation. James took a post as the organist and music director of the church and it during the fall of 1857, with Pierpont living in the south, that he began writing of his New England Christmases and longing for the snow and traditional New England customs.
At the outset of the Civil War, he joined the Isle of Hope Volunteers to the Confederacy, the Fifth Georgia Calvalry. Pierpont survived the war and lived until 1893 when he passed away in Winter Haven, FL. He was buried in Laurel Grove beside his brother-in-law Thomas who had been killed in the first battle of Bull Run. The family would again come to great national prominence through the work of James’ nephew, famed capitalist J. Pierpont Morgan.
In the period of 1890 through 1954, “Jingle Bells” was in the top 25 most recorded songs in history beating out “Blue Skies”, “My Old Kentucky Home”, “I Got Rhythm”, “The Stars and Stripes Forever” and “Georgia On My Mind”. Enjoy, share and sing along! -Bobby Ellerbee
http://davidneale.eu/elvis/originals/index.html Written by: J. S. Pierpont Originally recorded by Will Lyle in 1889 (Hear Elvis’s version on: Home Recordings…
No mixing desk needed! Pretty good ‘production’ values, when you consider this was a group of folks gathered around one of Edison’s early recording horns.
Savannah,Georgia is my hometown:) and there is a Pierpont Ct in Savannah located off Montgomery Street in Tatumville:)