The End…Universal Stage 28 Demolished, September 22, 2014

The End…Universal Stage 28 Demolished, September 22, 2014

The Joni Mitchell lyric, “they tore down paradise to put up a parking lot” comes to mind now. As I understand it, the space where Stage 28 was will now be used as part of the Universal Theme Park expansion. Although this was built in 1925, there are six older stages here…Stages 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 and 16 & 17 were built in 1916.

To end on a high note, click the link to see The Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1996 video that shows one of the few times the 1938 vintage under-the-floor water tank has been used. Gone but not forgotten! Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. David Shipman November 4, 2014

    Same as with KTLA…where the first talkie was made, the Bolshoi performed for the Nation, the first Telecopter was made, where the first remote of an Atomic bomb aired, etc., etc.!

  2. Michael Hayne November 4, 2014

    comcast does it again…

  3. Jeff Williams November 4, 2014

    All I can say is this is a real shame. It’s all about the money. Everybody should do the Universal Studios Hollywood tour at least once, but any real movie fan should go on the Warner Brothers studio lot tour for a real up close look at movie making anyway.

  4. Joshua Wilsher November 4, 2014

    I love the author’s bio

  5. Grant Fletcher November 4, 2014


  6. Howie Zeidman November 4, 2014

    What are some other things shot there

  7. Scott Comstock November 4, 2014
