Covering College Football…ABC Sports, October 4, 1975
On October 8, 2016
- TV History, Viewseum
Covering College Football…ABC Sports, October 4, 1975
This is the best ever look at how 60 men brought 30 million viewers these great games every Saturday. “Second’s To Play” is presented in it’s original 30 minute format.
This is the most extensive look you’ll ever get of how ABC Sports crews covered the games in this era. Norelco PC 70s are in use, and our friend Don “Peaches” Langford is on the sidelines with the 49 pound Norelco PCP 90 hand held. Enjoy and SHARE! -Bobby Ellerbee
On a similar note regarding show timing, I once had occasion to be in the booth for a WTBS broadcast of Live Atlanta Wrestling. The director was explaining to a guest “We don’t always know who’s going to win but we know to the second when they’re going to win.”
That was a great film, watched it last time you posted. I can’t stop thinking about all that smoke in the control room! And the lashing that poor guy at network took after bailing out of the commercial break…ow.
I love that 40 years ago, they called a 49-pound camera “portable.” :-/
I HATE remotes.