Digital Restoration Of Classic Films…
On June 17, 2014
- TV History
Digital Restoration Of Classic Films…
This 9 minute documentary on how old films are digitally restored is just fantastic. The before and after shots are frequent and show just how far artists can reach back into the past to bring out long lost luster and detail of old films. Enjoy and share!
Universal Pictures commemorates its centennial in 2012 with the full restoration and Blu-ray release of select films including “All Quiet on the Western Fron…
Of course if it is just a “restoration” to digital it will have to be re-done in a few years when the digital standards change. Hopefully the original film will still be safely stored away in the vaults.
I have to disagree with much of this… I’ve run many of the current DCP’s of supposed restorations that were done and they don’t look any where near as good as a nice 35mm print does. Compare an original high silver content B&W 35mm print to a B&W DCP or a supposed restored color DCP to it’s dye transfer Technicolor counterpart. The stuff that’s coming out looks awful in comparison. Lawrence Of Arabia DCP even projected in 4K is not even watchable IMHO. The one exception was North By Northwest which looked just passable. I think if most of the original directors of these masterpieces if they were still around would cringe at the work being done, certainly they are rolling over in their graves right now!! Oh… and sound restoration by Chase is absolutely atrocious.
Pretty amazing.
Amazing work. Thanks to these guys (and gals) these great films will live on for generations to come. Hats off.
Wonderful job
at 8:30 in Bob O’Neil has been to our office and the vaults many times, I helped him identify original from dup negatives on many shows from the 50’s and 60’s. Great guy.