Even More From NBC Burbank…Yet Another Singing Tour, 1959
On February 11, 2015
- TV History
Even More From NBC Burbank…Yet Another Singing Tour, 1959
This is the opening of a Gene Kelly special. It begins in one of the two main hallways that provided access for the huge studios. I’ve been told that the wall at the end of the hallway is Studio 1 and that about two thirds of the way down is where the KNBC local news was broadcast. I think their destination is Studio 4 and they enter through the “elephant” doors and you get a good impression of the size of the studio! Please remember to click on the blue text above to visit the page so you can see all of today’s stories! -Bobby Ellerbee
Begining of PSP, 1959
I believe that the wall at the end of the hallway is actually Studio 3, adjacent to Studio 1 (to the left). There is a white curtain at the end of Kelly’s hallway segment – it is covering the loading dock area! Then an edit as he marches off, then entering Studio 3 or 2 (identifiable because of the elephant door placement). Likely 3, as it is a smaller stage. I worked at NBC for many years and this hallway was scrubbed and set-decorated for this special. It never looked so good!
Gene Kelly was busy in 1959. Here’s a TV Guide close up for his April 24, 1959 CBS color special. One of the very infrequent CBS color telecasts during this period.
Segment from that 1959 Special showing Kelly and O’Connor.
There will never be another place like NBC Burbank! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202413088980950&set=a.1239751666323.2033527.1005211240&type=3&theater
A big Gene Kelly fan. I’d love to see the whole episode, especially since it’s ’59 color videotape.