WNBC Moves From Studio 3C To Historic 3K
WNBC Moves From 3C To Historic 3K
In late 1935, NBC radio studio 3H was converted to become television’s first permanent home. This was where RCA and NBC did all their early experimental broadcasts and was the first home of “The Howdy Doody Show” as well as “Kraft Theater”.
On September 12, 1955, NBC dedicated Studio 3K, which was made by combining 3H and radio studio 3F, into the network’s first in-house color studio, and “Howdy Doody” was the first show done from here. It was also the home of the Kraft Kitchen set, where Ed Herlihy spent so many hours.
Up until earlier this year, 3K had been an MSNBC studio. Those few 3K shows are now in the new 4th floor news studio. Over a period of 7 weeks, WNBC has built a new news set there that is a kind of 360 use set.
Overnight, the great time-lapse video of the studio under construction was taken down, but here is the link with more info on the studio. Let me know if the video plays for you. -Bobby Ellerbee
NBC New York debuts new home, gains more space at 30 Rock
NBC’s flagship O&O, WNBC-TV, moved into a new home Sunday night, greatly expanding the station’s … Read More
Grass Valley Studio Cameras??? Is this something new? Is NBC looking to move away from SONY? Ikegami? Or is this based on the needs of the individual studios within 30 Rock?
Our own NBC O&O, NBC 7 San Diego (KNSD) moved from their former downtown street level studios a few months ago, to a new building with a news center set of a similar style.
I’ve got to give Comcast credit. They really seem to be plowing a ton of $$$ into refurbishing 30 Rock and all the Studios.
Is QueScript affiliated with AutoScript? Or are they 2 different companies?
Love the new WNBC look
Ed Herlihy, of course, was well-known as a newsreel narrator for many years. Fortunately, a heartening quantity of newsreels survived, much or most of it now in the public domain. Sometimes, you will see newsreel footage (meterage?) in a documentary when one might expect TV news excerpts — the price/free was right, the TV excerpts could not be found or are feared lost, or those controlling the material wanted to charge exorbitant fees for use.
And there’s Janice Huff – As a meteorology student I was a volunteer weather monitor for her and KRON way back before cheap, self-reporting remote electronics took over that role. Got the chance to visit and be on set for a news cast … this was in the SF Bay Area market.
so the number on the studio designates which floor of 30 Rock it’s located?
3K was the first all-indoor space for “Today” after it moved out of the RCA Exhibition Hall in 1958. The show came back at least twice more, in 1962 and 1972.
Bobby, a correction: Rachel Maddow’s program has always originated from Studio 3A, MSNBC’s main on-air studio. I’m not sure in which studio Lawrence O’Donald’s show was produced.
The time lapse video ran for me. Pretty cool stuff!
Seeing 3H/3K is still on my “bucket list.” I wish NBC included it in the tour.