See Anyone You Know? 1984 Pool Cameramen Shoot Each Other
On July 15, 2016
- TV History
See Anyone You Know? 1984 Pool Cameramen Shoot Each Other
With the Republican National Convention coming next week, here’s a look back at the very end of the 1984 version, when Thomson cameras were in vogue at CBS. At 3:35, I see our friend Charlie Huntley. This video came from producer Phil Savenick, who has a great collection of early television memorabilia, including rare tubes once owned by Philo Farnsworth. Thanks for sharing Phil. Enjoy! -Bobby Ellerbee
Here are the cameramen from the 1984 Repubican convention photographing each other as the pool video ran out. A nice document of TV history.
While digitizing old 3/4 tapes, I found this on the end of the pool video feed. Post-balloons and after all the stations switched away. I am glad to give you guys your :05 of fame.
Sounds more like a Jerry Lewis Telethon
Many Thomson-CSF cameras!
That’s Mark Goldstein on camera 2
Charlie my man.