Stunning Animation Technique Brings Antique Photographs To Life….

Stunning Animation Technique Brings Antique Photographs To Life….

Like so much of the new software advances in animation, I don’t know how this is done, but this is pure magic. Take a look and keep the sound up. Thanks to “Tonight” show cameraman Rich Carter for sharing this. -Bobby Ellerbee

Amazing Animation Based on Old Photographs (by Alexey Zakharov)



  1. Bill Adams April 11, 2016

    I have the same question as Ron. Without the filter, it’s much better viewing than genuine old film. Little or no flicker, and everything moves at a realistic speed.

  2. Joey Schwartz April 10, 2016

    It’s actually not that hard to do, just time consuming, like most animation is.

  3. Steve Dichter April 10, 2016

    Love to see the process involved in producing these animations. Has a 3D quality to it.

  4. Ron Hamill April 10, 2016

    This is incredible and great. But I do have a question. Why ad the “scratched and dirty film going through the projector” filter? I forgot the name of the filter but it’s used way too much everywhere. Most of the time I see it’s used when someone has new footage that they want to give the feeling of older footage. I could watch hours of this.

  5. David Jackino April 10, 2016

    Just wow Bobby