THANK YOU…AGAIN From Eyes Of A Generation!
THANK YOU…AGAIN From Eyes Of A Generation!
Yesterday, this page hit a new all-time-high weekly Post Reach of 420,277!
That is nearly double the number in Wednesday’s thank you post, for the new 225,061 threshold, achieved then. We’ve also had 361 page likes this week which gives us 9,077 members who have made “The Home of Television’s Living History”, their home too.
As I have said, I am not the one that makes it live…you do. I do my best to memorialize historic, or interesting moments in TV, but it is all of you who bring the life to it by adding your input, much of which is a rare first hand narrative from people that were there. Thanks also for the amazing images that you so generously share with us. Most of all, I thank you for your willingness to teach me, and all that come here, from the fullness of your experiences, which include every area of the broadcast industry. -Bobby Ellerbee
There are not enough thanks for all the great work you do for those of us who toiled in the trenches to make TV look easy for the viewers at home. Great job, as always.
Congrats, Bobby!
I look forward every day to your posts. Being retired, I love anything that brings back memories of past experiences and the new stories that explain the happenings and technology of today.
This is the highlight of both the Internet and FB for me. I’m using the speech feature to read those pieces on the television studios–as my eyes begin to go on me. It sounds as though there’s really somebody reading to me. Wonder how they do that (except for the “underscore, underscore, underscore”).
You do a great job, thanks
That is awesome. I wish I could get that kind of response for the Texas Museum of Broadcasting & Communications.