The Night RFK Was Shot…Inside The Ambassador Hotel, Part 1 of 3

Rare Photos Of The Television Coverage…June 4, 1968

This is behind the hotel and shows a makeshift cable bridge between the two NBC trucks.

Here are the two NBC trucks and the “cable bridge” made from a ladder. It may be that NBC had three trucks and a utility trailer there…see my comment and photo below.

Here’s the ABC black and white truck.

KTTV’s utility truck and ABC’s black and white truck.

Final Rare Photos Of The Television Coverage…June 4, 1968

Thanks for all the descriptive comments on the first two sets of photos. Hopefully these will answer some questions raised there, and thanks to Martin Perry for finding these Los Angeles Fire Department photos. More detail on the photos so click though them. Enjoy and share.



  1. Joey Schwartz April 5, 2016

    Here’s another example, from 48-years-ago tonight, of what we lost two months later at the Ambassador Hotel.

  2. Robert Barker April 3, 2016

    I can’t even think about it.

  3. Scott Pearson April 3, 2016

    As I was only 3 at the time, what was the significance of the California primary that all 3 networks were there? Was he going to clinch the nomination?

  4. Russell Ross April 3, 2016

    I remember that night. I had a camera position in the room and when RFK left the podium we thought we were hearing a balloon pop but in reality it was a gun shot. The control room in the mobile unit called B.O.C in NY and told them what happened. The next day we flew back to NY so that we could prep for the funeral mass at St. Pat’s Cathedral. Some things a person never forgets……most times it’s the “bad things”. Interestingly enough, I had the pleasure of shaking hands with RFK at the Portland, Oregon primary prior to L.A.