AMPEX = Alexander Matthew Poniatoff EXcellence…

This is the history of the fascinating early years at Ampex. I hope this will give you a new perspective on their grand achievements in audio and video, as well as a new appreciation for Bing Crosby’s efforts to make recording a reality. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. John Roger Bolin May 18, 2016

    Bobby, thanks for the post. This is the most complete history of Ampex I have seen.

  2. Curtis R Anderson May 16, 2016

    Being in Buffalo, I’m not going to miss the Buffalo connection. The former Regent Theater where Todd-AO was tested out and Rodgers and Hammerstein greenlighted _Oklahoma!_ is now the Bethesda World Harvest International Church on Main St just south of E Utica St.

  3. John D. Marelli May 16, 2016

    Of all the stuff I thought I knew…I never knew what AMPEX stood for….Thanks, and thanks Alex!! They were great machines.

  4. Charlie King May 16, 2016

    Through all my years in the industry, I never heard of how the name Ampex was formed. Thank you for clearing that up for me,Bobby.

  5. Terry Drymon May 16, 2016

    There was always a unique smell in master control and the whirl sound from the tape heads

  6. Jackson Douglas May 16, 2016

    have a 350 repro great machine

  7. Bob Makson May 16, 2016

    Worked on a lot of 300’s, 350’s and 440’s!

  8. Scott Snailham May 16, 2016

    I rescued a AMPEX 440C from a garage last year…needs a new pinch roller, but works great otherwise.