April 30, 1938…Historic CBS Columbia Square Studios Dedicated

Here are some interesting images, and articles from the day, I think you will appreciate. Notice the date on the sign in the third photo down, is almost one year earlier at the ground breaking



  1. Dan Cepeda April 30, 2016

    That was a stunning piece of deco-modern architecture. Very daring and futuristic for its era, and absolutely timeless. Wish I could’ve wandered around in there before it was gutted and condoed. At least they saved some of it…

  2. Carol M. Ford April 30, 2016

    Bob Crane (of Hogan’s Heroes fame) worked at KNX-CBS Radio at Columbia Square from 1956-1965. As part of our research for his new biography, we interviewed many people from KNX who worked with him during that era. I also wrote a blog post about my visit to Columbia Square that I think you’ll enjoy. I was so fortunate to have been able to tour the building after KNX vacated the premises and before it began renovations. What an experience! http://vote4bobcrane.blogspot.com/2012/03/cbs-columbia-square-home-of-bob-crane.html

  3. Marc Wielage April 30, 2016

    That was a beautiful art deco building in its time. There’s now stores and condo-minimums there, but they’ve retained a little bit of the Columbia Square styling. Not the same as the old KCBS/KNX, though.

  4. Scott Marinoff April 30, 2016

    Here’s about 54 minutes of audio you might enjoy — 2005 KNX farewell broadcast, “A Salute to Columbia Square”( audio) from Michael Linder … http://linder.com/knx/KNX.mp3