CBS Portable Prototype In Action, 1962 Belmont Stakes & ’63 Beatles Miami

There are two videos here. The first is a great look at the first CBS portable and wireless camera developed in 1961-62 by CBS VP of Technology Dr. Joe Flaherty with help from Ikegami. There were three prototypes with one at CBS O&O KMOX in St. Louis to test for use as an “electronic new gathering” tool, one was at CBS New York for the same and more bench testing and one was assigned to the Florida bound CBS mobile units covering the many manned space missions, at the then, Cape Canaveral.

This footage at the race tracks is a perfect example of the kind of tests they subjected the camera to, and it was also brought on stage for a live demonstration during an Ed Sullivan show, I think, just a few weeks after the Belmont Stakes with Dr. Joe and a couple of the Ikegami engineers introduced during the demo.

With reference to the top photo of The Beatles on stage during the Sullivan’s live Miami show , see the image clarity that this camera makes as he shoots Ringo from a low angle (at :32 and 1:41), just like in the photo. Nice, crisp picture, just like the TK30s are giving us as, I think, they are both using the same 3.5″ image orthicon tube. Thanks to Kevin O’Keefe for the Belmont video.