CBS Television City: Studio 41

CBS Television City: Studio 41

Each day on the ‘Art Linkletter House Party’, there was a segment where kids were interviewed. It was called ‘Kids Say The Darndendest Things’. That was always funny, but before the show they were always given a complete tour of the set to make them more comfortable. Here, they are looking at where some of the days Q Cards are kept.



  1. Tom Jurek November 8, 2012

    I remember the opening w/the sign and the lights that blinked around the sign and Jack Slattery said, “COME ON IN..It’s Art Linkletter’s House Party!”

  2. Bob Sewvello October 12, 2012

    Could the writing be any smaller?

  3. John Maresca October 11, 2012

    I can still hear the clarinet and accordion playing Art’s theme song.