Elton John…The Central Park Concert, September 13, 1980

Elton John…The Central Park Concert, September 13, 1980

We don’t see the RCA TK46 often, but thanks to John Senuta’s recent email of this great shot of Elton, it’s time to take another look. The other photos here are from our friend Dennis Degan, who I think was still working at Reeves Teletape at the time. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Dennis Degan December 26, 2014

    I worked for R/T for 6 1/2 years. At this time, I had only been working for them for a year or so . . .
    During the concert, I was at the edge of the stage pulling cable for one of the ped cameras. I got some great photos of Elton.

  2. Walter C. Case December 26, 2014

    Reeves TeleTape was one of the “hot” trucks in those days that EVERY ONE wanted to use!

  3. Gary Walters December 26, 2014

    My first station replaced their TK42s with TK46s in 1978. What a relief in doing camera setup.