Follow The Eyes

Follow The Eyes

In Johnny’s monologues, it was always interesting to me to watch his eyes move. This shot is during the warm up, but when the show started, a camera would be shooting him head on and was positioned with the lens in the center of the Q card board. During laughs and applause, you could see Johnny look at the board getting ready for his next line or two. When you saw him look to his lower right, that was a good indication that the end of the monologue was near and a stop set was just ahead.



  1. John Bouton November 14, 2012

    Johnny liked to have all of the jokes laid out in front of him so he could skip one if he wanted to.

  2. Bob Sewvello November 14, 2012

    There was an old mechanical teleprompter on camera one for Johnny to use when he was at the desk. Craig Ferguson uses a state of the art teleprompter when he does his monologue. He stands about five feet from the camera and will sometimes actually touch the teleprompter itself.

  3. Martin Perry November 14, 2012

    Hmmm. That must be a composite image, because Johnny is way too young and dark-headed for there to be TK-47’s there.

  4. Debra Oliver November 14, 2012

    I could never figure why he didn’t use a TelePrompTer.