Follow Up…NBC 3rd Floor, Original 1933 Floor Plan

Follow Up…NBC 3rd Floor, Original 1933 Floor Plan

I thought some of the detail I laid out in today’s first post could use some graphics support, so here is the 1933 floorplan with the studios marked.

As you look at this, here are a few thing to keep in mind…MSNBC’s main daytime studio is now in the 3A area and has expanded into the Music Library area to the left of the main studio. The ‘NBC Nightly News’ with Brian Williams is now in 3B.

In 1935, 3H became television’s first fully electronic studio and was the home of many television firsts. In 1955, it was merged with 3F to become Studio 3K which was NBC’s first inhouse color studio. Today, 3K is used by MSNBC’s evening shows, like Rachel Maddow. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Geoffrey DeVoe October 25, 2014

    Any more floor plans? 6th floor? 7th? 🙂

  2. Geoffrey DeVoe October 25, 2014

    Thanks for the insight Dennis! I just went of a walking tour. And thanks for posting Bobby!

  3. Geoffrey DeVoe October 24, 2014

    So WNBC’s 3C today is really all of 3E and some of 3G. The audio “control booth” is now the WNBC’s “Weather Center”.

  4. Geoffrey DeVoe October 24, 2014

    Is that a “grand staircase” in front of the Elevator lobby? That’s odd. And Staff Elevators?