Inside The BBC’s Huge Studio 1…1974

Inside The BBC’s Huge Studio 1…1974

This is about as full a tour as you could ask for, as we are privy to every element, from the EMI 2001 cameras, to the control room and even a look at the BBC’s biggest crane in action. Thanks to Petter Olden of NRK TV in Norway for sharing this with us. -Bobby Ellerbee




  1. Gene Christianson November 6, 2016

    Odd-looking video switcher and audio board. I wonder about the manufacturer?

  2. Andrew Boggs November 5, 2016

    I enjoyed that…loved the dogs frolicking in the studio…

  3. Simon Crawshaw November 5, 2016

    Cutaway drawing of original design

  4. Jeffrey Gold November 5, 2016

    The Tory attacks on the Beep have been vicious, and it seems a shadow of its old public service self. While moving BBC ops to Manchester’s Media City in Salford seems a commendable way to spread out the production baubles perhaps all too concentrated in London, there are far fewer employees working for the org than before.

  5. Preston Trusler November 5, 2016

    I think the place has been torn down for condos now.