Meet Pat Weaver, First President of NBC Television

Meet Pat Weaver, First President of NBC Television

I could go on and on about Mr Weaver, but here’s the short version. I own the RCA TK30 (maybe the one in this photo) that NBC gave him as a token of appreciation from all of NBC’s employees in January of 1955. It was on display in his office.
The range of shows this camera could have worked on would have included all the shows that Pat either created, or brought to the network. The Today Show, The Tonight Show, The Home Show, The Colgate Comedy Hour, The Camel News Caravan, Howdy Doody, Your Show of Shows with Sid Caesar, The Texaco Star Theater with Milton Berle, The Tonight Show’s predecessor, Broadway Open House and lord knows what else. This is a rare shot as Pat made very few appearances on television. He actually created the magazine style of advertising that all broadcasters still use, in both radio and television. His book, “The Best Seat In The House” is great! It would make a fantastic Christmas gift.



  1. Chuck Pharis December 1, 2012

    I want one of those prompters!!!!

  2. Ray Bonassi November 30, 2012

    His brother was a very funny guy with the stage name Doodles Weaver…no joke