Water Cooled Studio Lights & Early Studio Shots, WRGB TV

Now this is interesting. Although dated 1948, the RCA part was shot a couple of years earlier as that portion shows the rare RCA Orthicon camera and not the TK10/30 Image Orthicon camera that came out in ’46. The GE part shot at GE owned WRGB shows their Iconoscope cameras in use and 2 of these same cameras are on display at the Schenectady Museum and can be seen at the bottom of the GE page with different art work. https://eyesofageneration.com/cameras-page/ge-cameras/


One Comment

  1. Bob Newberry January 24, 2012

    I thought I researched quite a bit about these early television days but I have never heard of water cooled studio lights. I’ll have to find out more about these gems.