October 7, 1960…Second Kennedy-Nixon Debate, NBC Washington

October 7, 1960…Second Kennedy-Nixon Debate, NBC Washington

These are newly found photos of the second debate between Senator Kennedy and Vice President Nixon at NBC’s WRC-TV.

As you will see in the video, linked below, the moderator was NBC’s Frank McGee, and panel of questioners included Edward Morgan from ABC, Paul Niven from CBS, Alvin Spivak from UPI, and Hal Levy from Newsday. All four debates were simulcast live on all three networks’ radio and television stations.

The first debate was at WBBM in Chicago and hosted by CBS on September 26. The third was hosted by ABC with Kennedy at WABC in New York and Nixon at KABC in Los Angeles on October 13. On October 21, the fourth and final debate was hosted by ABC in New York. -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Bob Sewvello October 7, 2016

    Just a few less monitors than in today’s control rooms. 🙂

  2. Gary Walters October 7, 2016

    The 1960 debates were all done a studio, and not in an auditorium. I feel that is the big difference.

  3. Michael Scott Ferguson October 7, 2016

    Where did we all go wrong, anyway? No interrupting, no crafted sound bites, candidates who actually stayed on topic and answered the questions. And Frank McGee for just the right amount of gravitas!