‘Peter Pan’…Behind The Scenes #5

‘Peter Pan’…Behind The Scenes #5

There’s a little of everything in this batch, but we’ll start with a thanks to all the people both on stage and off that did such a great job last night. The first couple of photos here are screen shots of the credits for the stage managers and utility crew. Arrrrrrr Mates…well done, and no one had to walk the plank! Thanks again to the many who’s pix are here. More to come later and more on the photos, so click through, enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Michael Biel December 7, 2014

    This is a well written review of the program, and what is even more amazing, the comments written after it are also well thought out and intelligent. http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/tv/peter-pan-live-flies-clear-of-twitters-crocodile-jaws/2014/12/04/3c776504-7c03-11e4-b821-503cc7efed9e_story.html

  2. David Jackino December 5, 2014

    They actually showed closing credits full screen? What a concept.

  3. Jim De Francesco December 5, 2014

    I thought NBC’s John Sizemore would surely have been on the A-Team cameras. Did I miss his credits?

  4. Louis Delli Paoli December 5, 2014

    Damn straight.