‘Peter Pan Live’…Camera Rehearsals Start Tomorrow…

‘Peter Pan Live’…Camera Rehearsals Start Tomorrow…

Our friends Rob Balton, Tore Liva and Charlie Huntley are among the 14 or so camera operators that started work yesterday at The Grumman Studios in Bethpage, New York, about 25 miles outside NYC. This is the same site used for last years NBC live presentation of ‘The Sound Of Music’.

Rob has two of his Techno Jibs there and there may be two more. There will be three Steadicams, four hand helds on wheels and at least two pedestal cameras spread between two studios. One is for the pirate ship set, the other for the main interiors.

Rob posted a photo of Stage 3 so I assume that will be the main stage which is a staggering 37,000 square feet. If they use Stage 2 for the pirate ship, they will have another 14,000 square feet to work with. Can you say gargantuan?

Yesterday was spent reading the “bible” and today, the cameramen will watch rehearsals, which have been going on for several weeks, and I’ll have some great footage of that in today’s next post. To all of the cast and crew…break a leg and keep us posted! Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Richard Wirth November 16, 2014

    Hope they’ve made improvements to the place to give the audio guys a fighting chance after the “Sound of Music.”

  2. Rob Balton November 12, 2014

    Just to set your records straight… Sorry for the misleading photo of Stage 3. As walked in in the morning I just assumed we would be back in the big room. We are on two stages this year… 1 and 4. Stage 2 is make up and wardrobe as it was last year and 5 is the carpentry shop. There are two TechnoJibs in Studio 1 and a TechnoJib and a fixed length Jib in Studio 4. Sorry no photos until after the show… we are on a social media blackout on the set!

  3. Michael Sime November 12, 2014

    well it IS the same stage where the Amazing Spiderman 2 was shot….complete with times square backlot at the neighboring Gold Coast studios (also part of the original Grumman plant)

  4. Alex Streyer November 11, 2014

    Wish there were more live productions! That must be great to work on.

  5. Art Hackett November 11, 2014

    Weren’t the original Peter Pan productions done with four cameras? Twelve cameras is almost cheating.

  6. Gary Walters November 11, 2014

    The same Grunmman Aircraft facility, which built the Apollo Lunar Module, and where CBS News did the full scale simulations when the TV camera on the Moon was turned off.