The Identities Are Revealed

Picture Parade 1…The Identities Are Revealed

This photo gets posted a lot, but never with the names and event, so, let’s fix that. The photo was one of a few dozen taken this day for use by RCA in trade ads to promote their new TK30 Image Orthicon camera in early 1947. The cameraman is Andreas Fininger and the actress in the background is Eva Marie Saint.

As seen here, she did a lot of bit parts in early NBC dramas which lead to her role in ‘On The Waterfront’ and later, she had NBC television roles opposite Paul Newman and Frank Sinatra in a production of “Our Town” for ‘Producers’ Showcase’ and “Middle of the Night” for ‘Philco TV Playhouse, which brought her a Emmy nomination in 1955. Saint also scored a professional triumph on Broadway opposite the legendary Lillian Gish in “The Trip to Bountiful,” which earned her a Drama Critics Award in 1953. Saint’s solid reputation among critics was becoming reinforced so often that she was referred to as “the Helen Hayes of television.” Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Ed Marshall December 15, 2014

    Image orthicon often went dead on many live shows.

  2. John Schipp December 15, 2014

    Nice detective work, Bobbie.

  3. Ken Collins December 14, 2014

    Eva Marie–proud alumna of Bowling Green State University.

  4. Bill Bremer December 14, 2014

    Gary Walters, More than likely, the camera isn’t even on.

  5. Gary Walters December 14, 2014

    Camera must have had the turret in the lens cap position. No image on the viewfinder.