Carol Burnett Accepting Her First Emmys

Picture Parade #2…Carol Burnett Accepting Her First Emmys

This is either 1962 or 1963, but either way, she won! In ’62 she won for her work on ‘The Gary Moore Show’ and in ’63, she won for ‘Julie And Carol At Carnegie Hall’, her special with Julie Andrews. Enjoy, share and Happy New Year! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Richard Wirth January 3, 2015

    May 22, 1962 Emmys from the Hotel Astor in NYC. Here’s a pub shot from after the ceremony. They both won.

  2. John Schipp January 2, 2015

    Sure looks like Red. Check out the table behind him: Chancellor, McGee, Huntley and Steve Allen.

  3. Steve Dichter January 1, 2015

    Was the in the NBC studios or did they haul a ped to a remote location?

  4. Paul Duca January 1, 2015

    Starting today, MeTV is running CAROL BURNETT & FRIENDS every day at 11 PM ET.

  5. Russell Ross January 1, 2015

    The cameraman looks like Red Trudell…. not sure. Anyone?