Something You Rarely See…

Something You Rarely See…

This is a rare color photo of an RCA TK10 at WGN in Chicago. This is one of 8 the station bought when they went on the air in 1948 and it could be the camera I own. The reason I wanted to post this was to show the original factory look. For some reason, many people think the red stripes were added at the stations…probably due to the fact few color photos exist of these great cameras. By the way, the first TK10s were made in December of 1946 and were the second Image Orthicon cameras on the market…the first was the RCA TK30 that came out a few months before the TK10. The reason the TK30 was released first is because the military wanted a field camera, which the TK30 was, but it was also widely used in studios too.

Rare 1948 color photo of TK10 and “Hi Ladies” host Tommy Bartlett



  1. Val Ginter March 17, 2013

    Most photos in those days were still black and white. If panchromatic film was used, the red stripe came out gray, or lighter than the camera body; if orthochromatic film was used, the strip looked black and darker than the camera body. Most shots of the TK10A were taken with panchromatic film.

  2. Bobby Reyes March 16, 2013

    …I’m sure you recall the photos I have sent you previously ! ..the cameras at WOAI did not have the red panel on the viewfinder section ..if you want, I can resend you the photos I have !

  3. Bobby Reyes March 16, 2013

    …which was the model and the era of the TK-10 with the circular vent holes on the side panels, similar to the model I stood next to from WOAI-TV ?