TeleTales #16…The Rube Goldberg Magic Of Busby Berkely

TeleTales #16…The Rube Goldberg Magic Of Busby Berkely

At the 48 second mark in this video you’ll see this contraption on the big screen in the “By A Waterfall” scene of “Foot Light Parade” from 1933 staring Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler. If you start about 3 minutes earlier, you will see some of what Berkely was famous for…those beautifully choreographed, elaborate, geometric overhead shots.

In the big picture, we see the mechanism itself before it was dressed for the stage. As you see in the video, it also squirts water which means hoses had to be built into it too. The many gizmos behind his magic are mechanical wonders in themselves. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Carolyn Reed January 20, 2015

    A beautiful girl is like a melody….

  2. Robert J. Shansky January 19, 2015

    Thank you what a great production number

  3. Jay Phelps January 19, 2015

    Thank you for sharing this. I’m a huge fan of the movies Busby made. I’ve ever been able to figure out how some of these devices work since different things seems to be moving in different directions. More genius at work from the guys who devised this contraption.

  4. Don Newbury January 19, 2015

    He truly was a mad genius. He suffered a lot of mental problems which is a shame because his work is amazing.

  5. James M Patterson January 19, 2015

    These movies always amaze me!