TeleTales #59…By Request, The Andy Griffith Opening

TeleTales #59…By Request, The Andy Griffith Opening

This rare photo is one of the most shared images ever posted here, and to answer the many requests to see it again, here it is. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Suzanne Barnes October 6, 2016


  2. Paul Benjamin Mills February 10, 2015


  3. Deb Carter Appleyard February 9, 2015

    One of the all time great TV shows. They just don’t make quality TV shows like this any more… Classic…..

  4. Jerry Camp February 8, 2015

    Notice in the scene when Ronny Howard throws the rock….Andy kinda twitches his head as if to say….good one Opie….that mannerism was something Andy’s own father used to do!

  5. Randy Ballinger February 8, 2015

    I love that show and still watch it.

  6. Brett Gripe February 8, 2015

    Fantastic photo

  7. Larry Gaudette February 8, 2015

    Franklin Canyon res.. Just off of Cold water canyon and Mullholand

  8. Jeff Moulton February 8, 2015

    Yes, was filmed in a park in L. A. (Griffith?). A lot of movie and TV shows have been filmed there. Beverly Hillbillies Robin Hood episodes come to mind. I believe the Star Trek episode with the Indians too.

  9. John Long February 8, 2015

    Even though it looks like North Carolina,i understand it was filmed in the Los Angeles area.
    Where I’m not sure.

  10. Bill Edwards February 8, 2015

    You know you have to do it…start whistlin’