Thanks For The Tickets Daddy! The Cronkite Girls

Thanks For The Tickets Daddy!

On the left is Nancy Cronkite and on the right, sister Kathy with Paul and Ringo after the Saturday rehearsal. I wonder if Walter brought them? The girls returned Sunday night for the live show. There is a story that Jack Paar’s daughter Randi, brought Julie and Tricia Nixon to the show, but the story is not true. One guest at the Sunday dress rehearsal was Leonard Bernstein.



  1. Linda Bratton Pitkin February 9, 2014

    Great story Judy!

  2. Rob Balton February 8, 2014

    According to a story on the WCBS radio Mr. Cronkite DID bring them but had no interest in The Beatles so he went out for a drink while the show was in progress!