The ESPN/Chapman Dualie…

The ESPN/Chapman Dualie…Last Night In New York

In case you’ve never seen this, here is the coolest sideline ride in the business. This two level configuration is around four years old…the original version had both cameras mounted on a T bar and debuted around six years ago. The Metlife photo is from our friend Teddy Flandreau at last nights Bears – Jets game. Final score, Chicago 27, Jets 19. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Chuck Meyers September 25, 2014

    The one on top is Super SloMo.

  2. Chuck Meyers September 25, 2014

    This is used on the visitors sideline. The lower camera shoots the pit. The camera above ( a friend of mine) shoots super slo mo. When the cameras were side by side the couldn’t both be on the line of scrimmage

  3. Dave Rimmington September 24, 2014

    Fab pictures which raise a couple of queries. (Apologies if these are STUPID questions but my excuse is I’m a UK OB camera operator and American Football is one sport I’ve never covered hence my ignorance!). Firstly what’s the reasoning of using a 2 camera set up on a crane rather than on static positions in the stands? I notice one of the operators is using in-ear buds rather than cans which I’d assumed would be preferable due to crowd noise. Is this standard on this type of OB. Finally, no viewfinder hoods in use, Again is this standard? Thanks for any or all replies to these perhaps obvious questions.

  4. John C. Jennings September 24, 2014

    Cool. But wouldn’t really want to drive it.

  5. Fred Schultze September 23, 2014

    Very sexy. Years ago at KPRC we had to mount on a big golf cart type with a wooden platform for Oilers /NBC sideline coverage

  6. Kent Ayers September 23, 2014

    The in- game assignments for these cameras is that one camera always stays with the quarterback in case he would get injured after he either hands off or throws a pass. The other camera will always go with the ball. They changed to the stacked configuration so both cameras could line up on the goal line.

  7. Fred Tator September 23, 2014


  8. Chuck Pullen September 23, 2014

    Saw this in Indy the week before, it’s really amazing to watch them coordinate their moves and shots…

  9. Philip Pernice September 23, 2014

    When can I drive that???

  10. Donald Aros September 23, 2014

    THE original Olympian sideline crane w/2 camera platforms….look at the amount of counter weight on each platform!

  11. Jo Bussell September 23, 2014

    What a cool gig this would be.