The First ‘I Love Lucy’ Episode Filmed…With Schedule

When ‘I Love Lucy’ debuted October 15, 1951, the first episode to air was “The Girls Want To Go To A Nightclub”, but the first episode to be filmed was “Lucy Thinks Ricky Is Trying To Murder Her” which was filmed on September 8, 1951. It aired as the fourth episode on November 5th.

This rare schedule shows the rehearsals and shooting times at The General Services Studios location, which is where the show was done for the first three seasons. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Michael Hill September 22, 2014

    This is a model of the I Love Lucy Set.

  2. Bruce McGee September 22, 2014

    There were problems editing the first filmed episode because they used 4 cameras. Thats why it was delayed. (Source: Bart Andrews book.)

  3. Tom Foster September 22, 2014

    Great…thanks Charlie

  4. Robert Howe September 22, 2014

    General Service Studios…later, Zoetrope, and now Hollywood Center Studios. Spent a lot of years on that great old lot. Loved walking on Stage 2 and just imagining all of the activity to put that first show on.