The Old Shoe…Seth Meyers Desk Platform

The Old Shoe…Seth Meyers Desk Platform

Last week, ‘Late Night With Seth Meyers’ debuted their new set, but in case you never saw this up close, here is the old desk platform.

Around Studio 8G, this was called “the shoe” because it kind of looks like one and works like one. The “heal” is where the mechanics are located…the electric motor and axis that moves the desk set in and out of the stage floor. Since the host is the soul of the show, it’s only fitting that the desk was on the “sole” of the shoe. Now you know. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Scott Comstock September 9, 2014

    I haven’t done stagecraft since high school, but I always like reading things like this 🙂

  2. James Stanley Barr September 9, 2014

    Don’t you just miss the days when stagehands moved those set pieces by hand? 🙂