‘Peter Pan’ Behind The Scenes #1

Williams Flies…Walken Soars! ‘Peter Pan’ Behind The Scenes #1

The sight, the sound, the splendor…it was live television magic! The first reviews are out and although many a snarky line from critics were waiting to be penned, they weren’t. Even the critics agree, everyone wanted this to work…and it DID!

There are a lot of great pictures from the set coming in and I will be posting them in batches today so stay tuned. More on the way.

It seems the main criticisms are about the length of the production and that it dragged in a few places. When Mary Martin was ‘Peter Pan’, the first two productions were two hours and the third, the 1960 video taped version, was about ten minutes longer. Making each minute of a 180 minute production dazzle, is a big job and in my opinion, the camera work, sets and effects DID DAZZLE! The names of the camera crew are on two screen shots from the closing credits…these twelve men, along with the entire crew are among the best in the business. More on the pix! Enjoy and share! Many Thanks to Rob Balton for most of these pix…more coming! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Bob Smith December 7, 2014

    Loved it.

  2. Brett Gripe December 7, 2014

    What location was this filmed at ???

  3. Vern Freedlander December 6, 2014

    Television production at its finest. A wonderful tribute to the foundations of the craft.

  4. Jamie Litty December 6, 2014

    The technical production was a great accomplishment. It’s Christopher Walken who was horribly miscast and asleep at the wheel.

  5. Donna Hardyman December 5, 2014

    Totally impressed. Few folks can understand the difficulty of doing a live production. I felt like I was in the 1st row of a theater on Broadway. Kudos to all the actors and crew!!

  6. Dennis Degan December 5, 2014

    This was a technical achievement of the highest order. Most viewers have no idea how hard it was to shoot this production. The camera operators had to choreograph their moves just as carefully as the cast did. How they shot this in 360 and didn’t show other cameras in their shots demonstrates how well rehearsed these guys and gals were. There were complicated shots both in the London nursery and the Neverland forest that required an astounding level of precision camera movement and direction. The Steadicam work was as good as it gets. One of the Neverland forest scenes included a shot in which the Steadicam camera was actually IN the dance number, spinning around in what appeared to be a full 360. Dancers were all around and the shot was executed flawlessly. Bravo, gentlemen and ladies.

  7. David Breneman December 5, 2014

    I’ve only seen the first half hour, but I’d like to know how they integrated the animated Tinker Bell with the live action. Were the camera/lens controls tied into a computer, or was it just a hell of a lot of practice?

  8. Gigi Shapiro Kulick December 5, 2014

    Thanks for your great revue- my husband Jay Kulick was on 2 cameras last night it was an incredible feat to pull this off and they did with magic and talent …

  9. Jeff Jeffares December 5, 2014

    They did a wonderful job. Maybe it was only in Atlanta, but the entire show’s audio was out of sync coming from WXIA and/or Comcast.

  10. Eyes Of A Generation.com December 5, 2014

    I just watched it again. BRILLIANT!

  11. Jim De Francesco December 5, 2014

    I thought NBC’s John Sizemore would surely have been on the A-Team cameras. Did I miss his credits?

  12. Rob Paine December 5, 2014

    Everyone is a critic until they have to pull something like this off… And very few could have successfully except for the group that was involved. You can’t grasp what an amazing undertaking this was and it was spectacular .

  13. Don Newbury December 5, 2014

    I thought the whole thing was very well done. I will admit that the strings were distracting but how else are you going to do it on live TV? I really enjoyed it. Are they going to do “The Music Man?” That show is really my favorite.

  14. Carolyn Phillips December 5, 2014

    Congrats to the frequently-unsung technical staff, camera crew, stage managers, — everyone behind the scenes!

  15. Wally Roper December 5, 2014

    It was a great production, and the cast and crew pulled off an amazing piece of work! Can’t wait for The Music Man!