Would YOU Like To BE, David Letterman? Good! Click The Video!

Would YOU Like To BE, David Letterman? Good! Click The Video!

This is one of the reasons we all love Letterman. In this great piece, we get to “be” Dave for a few minutes at the opening of his show. With a hand held cameraman “as Dave”, and Letterman walking behind him to talk, we get a rare look behind the scenes as they enter Studio 6A and begin the show.

Although he is no longer with us daily on TV, he is always in our hearts. Rock on Big Dave! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Dave Dillman December 13, 2016


  2. Stephen Paley December 13, 2016

    This is why I loved David Letterman. Such an original and really funny. So, what happened? Writers and producers got lazy? Dave is the same.

  3. Joseph Nieforth December 13, 2016

    The fact that the audience could put names to the crew faces always had my respect.

  4. Dennis Scott Moore December 13, 2016

    Good ol’ Larry Bud… 🙂 I remember him trying to sell his Melman’s Toast on a Stick…

  5. Dan Cepeda December 13, 2016

    Thirty-plus years later and this still feels like modern comedy. Absolutely brilliant.

  6. Antonio Roque December 13, 2016

    Dave is absolutely awesome