Look Ma…No Viewfinders!

Look Ma…No Viewfinders!

The RCA TK30s became available in late 1946, but there was some element used in building the viewfinders that was in very short supply. The networks got viewfinders, but the local stations had to wait. The problem went away after about six months, but local stations that bought them had do make do for a while. Shown here is a 1946 Christmas parade in St. Louis, covered by KSD TV. The good news was that there were very few sets in use at the time. The only way to make this work was to put a monitor near the cameras and have the director talk the cameramen into the right shots.



  1. Dave Dillman July 8, 2013

    Stay with the short lenses!

  2. Chuck Pharis July 8, 2013

    There was a clip on eye piece available. You can see it on both cameras. Better than nothing!