October 2, 1953…”Person To Person” Debuts With Technical Marvels

October 2, 1953…”Person To Person” Debuts With Technical Marvels

By 1953, television had been using it’s new, two year old ability to reach from coast-to-coast in a number of unique ways, but none were more unique than the challenges this show brought.

It took a lot of planning and a three camera crew at each remote location to do this show, and many times, there were two guests on each show, from different locations. All live!

In Los Angeles, our friend George Sunga, was the Television City production manager, and had the responsibility of working out all the west coast interviews. Needless to say, it was quite a task, but that is something the viewing audience never noticed, as newsmakers from all over the US appeared seamlessly on screen with Mr. Murrow…usually. It would be interesting to hear some of the stories from these crews about the times is wasn’t so “seamless”.

More on the photos! Enjoy! -Bobby Ellerbee

Top at home with Bing, then Jerry Lewis and below Mickey Rooney

Above, at Jane Mansfield’s home and below, the show featuring Jack Paar began in his limo as he “arrived” home in New York. Fortunately for the crew, the car didn’t have to move more than a few feet.



  1. Kevin Ruppert October 3, 2016

    It’s amazing that theses shows went so well. The techs must have known what they were doing. How many local news remotes do you see get messed up to this day despite more advanced technology.

  2. Albert J. McGilvray October 3, 2016

    It’s weird how that cameraman with the Kennedy’s looks like NBC’s David Brinkley.

  3. When reporters and media did their jobs, not pander.. . Edward R. Murrow the best of a bygone generation.

  4. Tom Williamson October 2, 2016

    I remember watching as a grade school kid, too. We never had any idea of how complicated the production was.

    I’m sure the same was true of NBC’s Wide Wide World.

  5. Paul Benjamin Mills October 2, 2016

    I loved that show as a kid.