David Letterman…Backstage In Studio 6A Video


You’ll feel like Johnny Carson or David Letterman making their grand entrance into NBC Studio 6B! Great camera work on this rare piece from one of Dave’s first shows. ENJOY and Share! Thanks to Father Bob!

This is from one of Dave’s first NBC shows, featuring a cameo from Larry “Bud” Melman, Mr. Calvert Deforest, himself. This is Dave at his irreverent best.



  1. Tim Stepich December 9, 2012

    The tally lights are as funny as anything else.

  2. John Roger Bolin December 8, 2012

    Thanks to Father Bob for this great clip-why don’t they do more stuff like this now?

  3. Tim Stepich December 8, 2012


  4. Dave Dillman December 8, 2012

    I see the Hal Gurnee touch

  5. Lou Spinnazola December 8, 2012

    Great piece! I loved how Dave’s show was so innovative in the early days.

  6. Nancy Kiley Erickson-Flake December 8, 2012

    Love it